It’s finally over. 4 months of O&G comes to an end this Sunday. With my end posting leave in effect, today is my official last day. Honestly, this department was a bitter sweet experience.
When I first started, I was extremely ticked off that you had to inform your seniors over every damn thing. Even on things that you obviously knew what to do. However, as I matured in the department, I realized the medicolegality of things, especially when shit hits the fan, and I understood the need to get someone senior to collaborate your findings. Anyways, coming from Medical, this was obviously a difficult change, because in Medical, you’re the first line, and you start treating the patient. In O&G, you’re quite often made to think you’re a clerk, but seriously, I just wouldn’t go with that.
As with all postings, it is my utmost desire to expose myself to all the procedures. I feel, to establish a good footing in any posting, it is first vital to observe, and if possible attempt all the relevant procedures. I must say that in O&G, theres always a procedure you’re gonna need, but luckily, colleagues are more than happy to switch the ward/OT/LR they are covering with you should you need a procedure from somewhere specific.
O&G started out exciting for me, but I was kept in the antenatal ward for 5 weeks. It was brutal, but I am thankful for it. I can honestly say, I became confident with my VE’s, S&S, Prostin Insertions because of the long stay in antenatal ward. I also learnt how to manage chicks and their labour. In HTAR, the general consensus is, 4 cm – ARM. 8 CM/9CM/Fully, then push to labour room. Sometimes, when you just observe the progress of a chick you’d know for sure if you are too generous with her os finding, go ahead with an ARM, that she is going to be diagnosed as prolonged labour and an unnecessary c-section would be done on her. I know it’s a cliché thing to say, but honestly, it does come with experience. As you go, you’ll just know how you should manage a specific patient, and can tailor the management, specifically for her.
Towards my last month, I was chucked in the Gynae/Onco ward. Whilst not as exciting as the other wards, It sure did give me a new outlook to life. Whilst here, I was given the opportunity to assist two great men. One specialist, who is the most humble man I’ve ever met. The first day I am meeting him, in the OT, I greet him and introduce myself, and he offers me his hands, shakes mine, and says, okay, lets get this TAHBSO done. After we’re done, he says, thank you very much for helping me, I appreciate it. When I heard a specialist speak like that, my heart figuratively sank. Wow. Another Consultant, was the nicest man you’d ever meet. He’s in charge of the Onco section of the gynae ward, and all his patients love him. He’s now in the private sector, but still makes time to come see his patients, and even goes as far as performing op on them. The best part about him is that he is extremely tall, in fact taller than me, which means I don’t have to end the day with a sore back after a 5 hour surgery.
All in all, O&G was a great experience. I must honestly say I now have new found respect for all women. I used to be really chauvinistic, but seriously, these 4 months has seriously changed me. I’ve seen what kind of assholes men can be towards their wives, I’ve seen how these women don’t have an ounce of independence, and how they are completely subservient to their husbands. I’ve seen women refuse oral contraception because the husband doesn’t allow it, because she’d gain weight. I’ve seen a woman dare not even talk about contraception without first asking the husband for “permission”. Seriously, are we still in the stone ages? If you get pregnant again, it’s not him who is going to face all the risks! These are just the tip of the iceberg, you’ll see it all later when you go through O&G.
In finishing, as I said earlier, to ensure that you get a holistic exposure to any department, you must observe, and at least attempt every procedure allowed. I’m happy I did.
Looks like the next department to go to is Paediatrics. Hopefully it will be a good journey into the unknown.
God bless.
“I must honestly say I now have new found respect for all women. I used to be really chauvinistic, but seriously, these 4 months has seriously changed me.”Aww..KK.I heart you for putting it all down in words.Hope you start loving babies after this.
@anitnash – I’ll try, but the outcome remains to be seen!
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